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Joyzine (2/5)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:57:03

Bodinrockers andra album ”Mysterious Man” bjuder in till rock ’n’ roll-tunggung
i stil med Status Quo. Det är rätt så rak och radiovänlig rock med enkla och
stundtals ganska hyfsade låtuppbyggnader. Bodinrockers musik är inte på något
sätt nyskapande eller speciellt spännande, men den kan säkert tillfredsställa
målgruppen, vars övriga favoritband bör bestå av just Status Quo och liknande

Rent produktionsmässigt är det absolut inget att klaga på, skivan låter väldigt
bra. Det som det faller på är att låtmaterialet inte riktigt håller måttet. Det
är överlag alldeles för enformigt och ointressant.

Något som inte heller är till Bodinrockers fördel är omslaget till ”Mysterious
Man”. Det går inte att förneka att det utan problem skulle kunna platsa i en
bok som ”Sveriges sämsta skivomslag” av Mattias Boström med flera. Omslaget
kanske inte är den allra viktigaste komponenten i en cd-utgåva, men lite mer
jobb hade de kunnat lägga ner i det här fallet, för det här omslaget är

Som helhet går ”Mysterious Man” ganska obemärkt förbi, men som jag nämnde
tidigare, jag är troligen inte inom ramarna för bandets målgrupp. Så i rätt
hörlurar kan Bodinrocker säkert vara alldeles utmärkt.


Strutter Magazine (8.1/10)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:55:28

BODINROCKER is a 4-piece band from Sweden, with as leader ANDERS BODIN, who
is responsible for the guitars, vocals, tambourine and a little bass, besides
all the words and music. The music itself on this high quality CD (mastered by
PETER IN DE BETOU – known for his work on albums by WOLF, DREAM EVIL, NARNIA
and countless others) is a mix of Classic Rock, Hardrock the 1970s way, Bluesy
Rock and some Progrock. It is definitely an album with a true 1970s spirit,
where each rockband did a little bit of this and a bit of that, meaning the
experimental side of things, because that was exactly the way Rockbands were
working in the 1970s, just jamming and experimenting. This CD is a mixed bag,
because sometimes it’s very bluesy, then again proggy, then just plain hardrock
and even pure STATUS QUOish boogie rock is included (“Scooter”). Fans
of the 1970s rocksound will absolutely love this record, then go to:

Rock United (6/10)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:54:36

Review by Urban “Wally” Wallstrom,
2 November 2010

Question: What’s so mysterious about this
particular man? Answer: He’s obviously quite obsessed by the Status Quo sound
of the late 60’s/early 70’s. Riding damn hard on boogie rock and mere hints of
The Small Faces train, Sweden’s Anders Bodin (vocals/guitars) manage to avoid
the usual ‘hip factor’ traps on his latest album. Sure, it’s hardly the most
original sounding effort as of lately, however, it’s jam-packed with basic
boogie, hammond organ, and straight forward rock, straight from the heart.
Anyone with a weakness for simplicity and mid-paced rock served with lyrics
that are saying something worth saying without actually saying it (huh? well,
it’s basically everything from simple things in life to more complex living),
could do worse than checking out this particular CD.
It’s been nicely produced in a retro way of thinking and the hammond organ –
just as important to the overall sound as the guitar. I personally enjoy the
Status Quo sound from the year of approx: 1976 and forward. Sadly, ‘Mysterious
Man’ is recorded in the vein of the era of 1968 to 1974 and thus being more
about, ‘Pictures Of Matchstick Men”, than fun twelve bar boogie ‘ala
“Rockin’ All Over The World”. Most of the record is adequate,
occasionally catchy rock with a tendency towards the hippie. For the most part,
it veers towards the average and merely the honest approach of the band is
simply not enough in the long run. Have a go at this if you’re into the ancient
“Quo” while the rest of us may not enjoy it as much.

Get Ready To Rock (3/5)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:53:31

BODINROCKER ‘Mysterious Man’ (2010)

Anders Bodin is the main man behind this album and his love of Status Quo
shines though on the album. Hardly surprising as he cites them as a musical
influence and he has supported them as well. Bodin manages to nail down the
Quo’s simple but effective boogie, listen to ‘526’ or the single ‘Scooter’ for
proof. The music is kept simple, no OTT guitar solos and minimal Hammond to
keep the song’s rhythm going.

Of definite interest to Quo fans and those who enjoy a little classic rock

Jason Ritchie (7/10)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:52:20

è il nome d’arte che l’artista svedese Anders Bodin ha pensato bene di
riesumare per consegnare ai più, la sua nuova proposta musicale intitolata
“Mysterious Man”. A molti sia il suo nickname, che il suo nome
reale, non dirà assolutamente nulla, ma in patria, in Svezia e più precisamente
in quel di Gothenburg, l’artista è considerato un nome di culto e di assoluto
spessore, tanto che la titletrack “Hall Of Fame”, del debut album del 2006,
venne usata dalla TV4, come sottofondo musicale, per accompagnare la prima
missione nello spazio dell’astronauta svedese Christer Fuglesang. A quattro
anni di distanza dal precedente lavoro, “Mysterious Man” riporta in auge il
nome dell’artista, che attraverso le dieci composizioni qui presenti, ha come
obiettivo, quello di far riflettere l’ascoltatore ed incoraggiarlo ad
avventurarsi in nuove esperienze di vita, gettando il telecomando della tv
dalla finestra, per assaporare ogni minuto che si ha a disposizione. E proprio
ascoltando questo lavoro, non si può fare proprio a meno di lasciarsi
trasportare in un mondo antico, fatto di emozioni vere e preziose. Un album che
sa miscelare a dovere canzoni catchy e melodiche, con altre più graffianti e rocciose,
il tutto arricchito anche dall’uso dell’organo Hammond, che dona al lavoro in
questione, un suono molto vintage. Un album sicuramente da ascoltare in tutta
la sua completezza, senza filler di turno e che regala quarantacinque minuti di
puro e semplice rock con la r maiuscola.

Eva Cociani

Hard Harder Heavy (5.5/7)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:51:24

Hard Harder

5,5 von 7
Punkten M.A., 31.10.2010


das sind neben Namensgeber und Mastermind Anders Bodin (Gitarre und Vocals)
noch Marcus Sigvardsson (Bass), Klas Anderhell (Drums) und last but not least
Lars Ekberg (Piano, Hammond, backing Vocals). Wie man den Namen der Musiker
unschwer entnehmen kann, kommen Bodinrocker aus Schweden. Anders Bodin schreibt seit seinem 10. Lebensjahr Songs. Zu seinen Helden
zählen The Who, Slade und Status Quo und das hört man auch, vor allem was die
letztgenannte Combo angeht. Aber dazu später mehr.

Im Jahre 2006 erschien das Debütalbum HALL OF FLAMES. Der Titelsong wurde
vom schwedischen Fernsehen als Hintergrundmusik eingesetzt, als der schwedische
Astronaut Christer Fuglesang seinem ersten Weltraumflug unternahm und erhielt
dadurch ordentlich Airplay beim schwedischen Radio. Mit der gleichen Besetzung
wie beim Debüt nahm Bodin sodann im Jahre 2008 die Aufnahmen für MYSTERIOUS MAN
in Angriff. Das Album wurde schließlich im Mai diesen Jahres veröffentlicht.

kredenzen auf MYSTERIOUS MAN unbekümmerten und hemdsärmeligen Rock ‘n’ Roll mit
einprägsamen Melodien und Gute-Laune-Garantie. Schon der Opener “Life ist
a Mystery” ist ein Riff-Rocker vom feinsten, der jede Fete auf Temperatur
halten sollte.

Mit “Get me on the Road” erklingt dann ein wohlbekannter Groove
vom allerfeinsten und man hat den Eindruck, der gute Angus Young himself würde
dort in die Saiten greifen. Wesentlich bessere Riffs haben die australischen
Haudegen in den letzten Jahren auch nicht auf die Reihe bekommen.

Und die Party geht weiter mit “Back on Track”, “No
Destination” und “Scooter”, drei exzellenten Boogie-Rockern der
Marke Status Quo, die Francis Rossi & Co. Tränen der Verzückung in die
Augen treiben dürften.

Zwischendurch wird die Party mit dem Titelsong, einem gestandenen
Bluesrocker im Stil von Bad Company und Free etwas runtergekühlt.

Mit “Endless Pain” feuern Bodinrocker dann eine weitere
Bluesrockrakete ab, die gediegen abrockt und ordentlich Stimmung macht.

Aber jede Party geht irgendwann mal zu Ende und es kommt was kommen muß;
der Rausschmeisser. Und der kommt in Gestalt von “Legend of the
Saviour”, einer folkrockigen Power-Ballade, die sehr an Neil Youngs
MIRRORBALL-Album (seine überaus gelungene Kooperation mit Pearl Jam aus dem
Jahre 1995) erinnert. Was für ein Abschluss.

Bodinrocker animieren dazu, mal wieder die alten Quo- und AC/DC-Scheiben
rauszukramen und sich einen netten nostalgischen Abend mit Hopfenkaltschale,
Käseigel und Salzstangen zu gönnen. Nicht der schlechteste Zeitvertreib, alter

Fazit: Bodinrocker liefern hier guten bis sehr guten Geradeaus-Rock aus dem
Bauch ab, der mächtig Laune macht. Sicher, dass ist alles nicht neu, wird aber
ungeheuer sympathisch rüber gebracht. Halt echter Rock’n Roll ohne Schnörkel!!!


“Get me on the Road”, “526”, “Back on Track”,
“Endless Pain”, “Legend of the Saviour”.


Wer auf ehrlichen und sympathischen Rock der Marke Status Quo, AC/DC, Bad
Company und Neil Young steht, sollte sich MYSTERIOUS MAN auf dem Einkaufszettel

Concrete Web (86/100)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:50:08

Bodinrocker is the nickname of Gothenburg based Swedish musician Anders
Bodin, whom got into Rock at an early age and started writing songs on the
guitar at the age of 10, influenced by the likes of Status Quo, Slade, and The
Who, posters of which could be found all over his older brothers’ room!

Bodinrocker is the nickname of Gothenburg based Swedish musician Anders
Bodin, whom got into Rock at an early age and started writing songs on the
guitar at the age of 10, influenced by the likes of Status Quo, Slade, and The
Who, posters of which could be found all over his older brothers’ room!

Over the years he’s played in a couple of bands, but none really worked out
too well, so in 2005 he started on the recordings of a solo project helped out
by his brother-in-law, Lars Ekberg (himself a keyboardist with experience in
the bands Carola and Triple & Touch, whom also brought in the other
musicians on the project: drummer Klas Anderhell who’d play(ed/s) with
Jerusalem, Mikael Rickfors and Mats Ronander… and bassist Marcus Sigverdsson
of Jill Johnsson and Shirley Clamp repute). The end result was the album Hall
Of Flames
, released under Anders Bodin’s own name, on his own Bearman
imprint in 2006. An album which would bring the young musician some
instant gratification, as the album’s title track, as well as the songs “Golden
and “The Way Back Home” were given ample airplay on Swedish
radio. Even bigger gratification came when Sweden’s telly chain TV4 used
the music of the title track as background when Swedish astronaut Christer
Fuglesang was about to do his first space walk!

Anders started a new recording project in June 2008 at Ekberg’s own Oakmountainstudio,
the latter again rallying the same musicians. A prelude to the album, which
Anders this time preferred to launch under his nickname Bodinrocker, finally
came in late January 2010 with the download single Scooter/ Get Me On The
, which got some real nice radio airplay in Sweden, and entered the SNL
charts (Svenska NärradioListan) at #12, in consequent weeks growing
(via #11, #7, and # 3 positions), to the #1 spot!

Stylistically, Anders himself describes his music as “…Put Status Quo,
Whitesnake, Beatles and some Folk tones in a mixer and press the button…”
(citing the likes of Neil Young, Atomic Swing, Whitesnake, Rod Stewart, Faces,
Belle And Sebastian, Status Quo, Soundtrack Of Our Lives, Hellcopters, the Who,
and “many more” as his influences), and somehow that is correct. He forgets to
tell that he does nót keep his finger on the button of the mixer long enough to
make a smooth uniform mixture which spreads out evenly over his musical
catalog, but only gives the machine a couple of short turns, resulting in a
chunky concoction. While that may seem somewhat unappetizing when dealing with
real food, in musical terms it means that while some songs get a bigger Quo
likeness (check “Get Me On The Road”, “Scooter”, for starters,
but you’ll find Quo in most of he other tracks as well), where other get a more
Classic Rock touch (the Beatles thing starting out as the proverbial liquid in
which the mixture is made, it’s found everywhere anyway) thanks to the added
sound of Hammond B3 organ, and then suddenly you get a more Folk-oriented track
with mostly acoustic guitar (“Back On Track”).

Now for your acquaintance with this man’s music, you might check out the
trusted MySpace page (, but that’ll only get you
full versions of two songs (album title song + “Scooter”) and samples to
3 others (plus 3 full-length songs and off and an album trailer of the debut
album). Better combine with the “Audio” section at the artist’s own website
(www.), where you’ll find àll songs posted (still, I’m not sure
if that’s full-length versions or just samples). Nice stuff, and definitely
something I’d like to listen to a bit more at a later date…but hey, whom am I
trying to fool here, with the busy schedule Concrete Web is throwing on
my shoulders? 86/100

Norway Rock Magazine (3.5/5)

Mysterious Man Posted on Fri, August 10, 2012 17:48:50


music) 3,5

Anders Bodin
er nok ikke så mystisk som tittelen her skulle indikere. Resepten er lett
dechiffrerbar; streit rett-fram bluesrock uten altfor mange dikkedarer. Greit
nok. I det hele tatt er dette denne skivas mantra – alt er ’greit nok’, fra lyd
til framførelse til låter til variasjon og så videre. Nært, men dog ei nokon


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