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No Depression

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Fri, August 10, 2018 23:43:43

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride

Four short tracks at 15-rapid minutes – from the albums “Eye to Eye,” and “Rock It the Right Way,” this Swedish band has a near-perfect Status Quo sound but they are wholly original in their retro-melodic brilliance. The samples provide excellently recorded chiming guitars that open most of their tunes and track one is quite energetic. Anders Bodin’s lead vocal and guitar imbue old style rock but his tone is such that it richly embraces classic rock in its best most fun form. I see members of Status Quo wondering who hijacked their style when they weren’t looking. Hey, Tracy Chapman did it to Joan Armatrading and Dire Straits and Mason Ruffner did it to Bob Dylan.

“Roller Coaster Ride,” reminds us what American hit radio rock once sounded like – it’s reliable, melodic, driving and a slice of adolescence. To me, this is an ideal summer song. Are you blue? Depressed? Or anxious? Don’t reach for the Zoloft – reach for this EP play the tune and then press replay again. You will run out and buy a Coca-Cola for everyone at the store and you will smile all day – and everyone at the market should be singing the chorus to this with you. This was what The Beach Boys used to do in the early 60’s.

“Vacation,” continues with the wall of chiming guitars and these guys perform with a fun-energy few bands today even understand. This has sun, beach and California sand spilling from every note, and snow-cones melting on the boardwalk. If more kids listened to this music they wouldn’t need psychiatrists – maybe their sugar levels would be higher but what the hell. This music is ear-candy even for an old dude like me. You should listen to this in Bermuda shorts, cheap sunglasses and be holding a Pina Colada. The Beach Boys could cover this song it’s that good.

More three-chord progression delights start “Space,” and this is closer to the artsy style of a late 70’s new wave bands New Musik (“Islands,” “Living By Numbers” & “Straight Lines”)and the classic band Sparks (“Over the Summer,” “Forever Young,” & “At Home, At Work, At Play,”). There’s nothing but smiles when you listen to this brilliance. Is it true Americana? No. But it is a slice of what the 60’s American music used to provide and it made for a happier time. This is hard to ignore because it is infused with nothing but optimism, From the guitars to the voices – you’d have to be dead not to bop your head in time to this musical confection.

The final sample is “Long Way Round,” and it’s really upbeat and it’s a slight dip into the Deaf School text book. Just add a female lead vocalist like Bette Bright to accentuate the same way the lead guitar does. The production would knock out Brian Wilson and Phil Spector. This is a tapestry of colors moving fast in a kaleidoscope. This would get people in wheelchairs moving. More rollicking piano and a blistering sax solo would make this a classic in the tradition of the old Sunrays’ song “I Live for the Sun.” Bodinrocker is today’s Ramones at the beach. Brilliant. The collection was produced by Lars Ekberg and Anders Bodin.

John Apice- No Depression july 18,2018.

Late For The Sky

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Fri, August 10, 2018 23:38:13

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride

Bodinrocker è l’attuale gruppo di Anders Bodin, esparto musicista svedese attivo dagli anni novanta. Cresciuto nel villaggio di Hallen nello Jantland nel centro della Svezia, Anders si è trasferito da adolescente a Uppsala, dove ha imparato a cantare e suonare la chitarra, ispirato principalmente dal rock inglese di Beatles, Slade, Faces e Status Quo (la sua band preferita). Nei primi anni del nuovo millennio, dopo essersi dedicato più seriamente ad altri lavori, Bodin ha ripreso ad occuparsi di musica, esordendo nel 2006 con Half Of Flames, un album di rock semplice ed essenziale realizzato con sessionmen esperti e la produzione di Lars Ekberg che continua ad affiancarlo ancora oggi. Nel 2010 è uscito Mysterious Man, un disco di rock melodico con impasti di chitarre e tastiere pubblicato con lo pseudonimo Bodinrocker, confermato per Rock It The Hard Way, uscito nel 2014 con le medesime coordinate sonore, ma con l’aiuto dell’olandese Jan Leentjes per i testi. Ed ora, in attesa del quarto album Eye To Eye, Bodinrocker pubblicano un Ep con quattro brani, i due nuovi singoli che faranno parte del disco e due traccie dall’album precedente. Roller Coaster Ride è un rock ritmato, allegro e scanzonato che ricorda gli Status Quo, con un assolo di chitarra tanto elementare quanto efficace, mentre Vacation è un boogie rilassato e ritmato, senza grandi ambizioni. Quanto ai due brani già noti Space ha un ritmo cadenzato, quasi marziale debitore del pop britannico degli anni sessanta e Long Way Round mantiene alto il ritmo con cadenze tipicamente inglesi, rinvigorite da un assolo ben costruito. Musica melodica tra pop e rock, scorrevole e ballabile.


Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Mon, February 05, 2018 19:25:24

Bodinrocker – Roller Coster Ride

A four-piece fronted by Anders Bodin, this is, basically, a Swedish take on Status Quo, this 4-track EP a taster for both 2018’s upcoming Eye To Eye and also featuring two cuts from their Rock It The Right Way album. As you’ll gather, there’s nothing original here, but fans of the signature Quo pop boogie sound will undoubtedly enjoy the catchy British rockpop of the title track and the heads down, hair shaking Vacation.
Mike Davies

Strutterzine (8,3/10)

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Mon, December 18, 2017 21:10:46

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride

Guitarist/vocalist Anders Bodin “rocker” has already released quite a few albums in the past and now releases a great single CD that consists of 4 tracks. Musically speaking it is catchy classic early 80s uptempo melodic/powerpop in the style of Bryan Adams, Kevin Lee and Phil Seymour. Songs like Roller coaster ride and Vacation are deadly catchy and take you right back 35-40 years back in time, sounding like new classics in this genre.

Highly recommended to fans of such melodic rock/powerpop!

Time Machine Music

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Mon, December 18, 2017 20:57:00

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride

Anders Bodin is guitar player / singer/songwriter faithful to melodic/classic rock tendencies. His activities are constant, and some period ago, he has released a 4 song single, entitled „Roller Coaster Ride“.

“Roller Coaster Ride“”is key single and title track, and we can find and hear also songs as a : „Vacation“, „Space“, „Long Way Round“ ( last two are from the „Rock It The Right Way“ album) . Musically judging, Bodin is on field of 80’s variants, with clear traces of melodic rock, classic rock and power pop elements as well.

Melodicity is key weapon, and his music is recommendable for the followers of mentioned tendencies.

Branimir Lokner

The Rocking Magpie

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Thu, December 14, 2017 00:12:41

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride

Play LOUD! It’s Time For Those Cheap Sunglasses and Tight Jeans Again!

In April this year we loved Swede Anders Bodin aka Bodinrocker’s previous single VACATION and this latest release ROLLER COASTER RIDE is every bit as attention grabbing and, dare I say it…….FUN!

You can’t help but smile and shuffle your feet as the band combine a quality British Powerpop song with some Second Generation of Mod cool and a side helping of Indie ‘edge’.

Through out any preconceptions you may have with Swedish Pop and Rock and just live for the moment if this song comes on your radio.
The previous single VACATION makes a welcome return immediately afterwards; and the late 60’s Status Quo guitar ‘sound’ is the perfect compliment to Roller Coaster Ride. Both songs are now going to be on an album called Eye 2 Eye which will be released in early 2018.

The final two songs are brand new to me; but come from Bodinrocker’s last album ROCK IT THE RIGHT WAY, and for a bunch of Swedish musicians Bodinrocker certainly know their way around a Brit sounding Pop Song, as track #3 Space proves. Just like the two new songs on this EP it would sound like a breath of fresh air should it turn up on a radio; especially if it was a car stereo on a sunny day.
The finale Long Way Round is still on the commercial side of Rock, but a lot ‘heavier’ than the others with some red-hot guitar licks throughout.
Obviously not for everyone who regularly reads our site; but some days you just have to kick back and relive your youth don’t you…..or is that just me?


Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Thu, December 14, 2017 00:08:45

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride


Alltså, det är något visst med boogierock. När andan faller på är det inte mycket som slår Status Quo och jag är nästan övertygad om att Anders Bodin – aka Bodinrocker – inte tvekar en sekund innan han håller med. Titellåten på denna fyraspårssingel är faktiskt aningen svagare är den gravt goda Vacation samt de trivsamma Space och Long Way Round som hämtats från albumet Rock It The Right Way. Kanske kan man få önska lite mer bett i sången, men i övrigt är det musik som man gärna gensvarar med glädje till.

Roger Bengtsson

Blaskans Vänner (3/5)

Roller Coaster Ride Posted on Thu, December 14, 2017 00:04:11

Bodinrocker – Roller Coaster Ride (singel ¤¤¤)

Här har vi fyra svenska musiker under ett gruppnamn som jag ej känt till förut, Bodinrocker. Låtarna tyckte min kärlek Helene Nilsson att de påminde starkt om Status Quo. Vilket kanske inte är en så dum referens. Fyra rockröjiga låtar med sång av Anders Bodin på sång. Ja det är rockmusik som leder mig till både Sky High och ZZ Top-känslor. Nåväl en röjig rocksingel helt enkelt.

Micheles Kindh

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